Winter months can bring some serious challenges for homeowners. Icy driveways and walkways, and frozen pipes and power lines can cause a lot of damage.
Slippery, snow-covered roads can be challenging for firefighters, police, and paramedics responding to emergencies.
Whether you tough it out or take off to warmer climates, you want to keep your home safe over the winter months.
Think like a thief
Thieves are always looking for an opportunity to strike, and winter offers them plenty of opportunities. They target “snowbirds” who leave their homes for months at a time. They pose as delivery or service crews (driveway not shoveled…hmmm there’s a flag that no one is home!) to scope out neighborhoods, and we all know about package pirates who take your deliveries right from your front porch. What do thieves hate? A great security system.
Keep watch on your ‘hood
Go hi-tech with your neighborhood watch. Outdoor cameras can keep an eye on suspicious activity on your street.
Don’t let power outages make you a target
Power outages can happen at any time. During the winter months, frozen power lines can knock out power to entire neighborhoods and that’s a perfect time for burglars to sneak in and out of your home. It only takes them minutes to clear out your prized possessions.
As always, prevention is key
There are other things you can do, too. While you’re on vacation, don’t post pictures on social media — it’s an invitation to let people know you’re not home. Don’t make it easy for thieves to break into your home or a neighbor’s home (did you leave a ladder or hammer out after taking down your Christmas lights?) Don’t let your mail or snow pile up while you’re gone!